Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Knee pains

It's Tuesday night and I am elder sitting a 98 yr. old woman named Mabel. She can't see or hear much of anything , and sometimes she gets really confused...but then there are the moments of clarity when she speaks profundities. She is wise, so wise. And her wisdom comes from experience because she's lived history. Things I've never encountered, she's thrived through and come out the other side and uses her life to tell the freaked out, that life is really going to continue on. The other day we got in a discussion about recession and depression. She told me stories about having nothing but being happy, and she told me about rations and war and her father leaving to go fight and I asked her (OK I shouted into her hearing aid), "Mabel, what's the best advice you'd give me (30 year old, single, female) on living in unstable times." She said, "Honey, make your knees tired from praying." And that's some of the best advice I've ever gotten.

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