Monday, September 28, 2009

Facebooking with God

I wish God had a facebook page. Really, I'm not joking. If God had a facebook page, I might know what God was thinking, I might see things from God's perspective, I'd know where God was, and who God was friends with. I might know who God is a fan of, and what God liked. It would be neat to know what books God read because I have a hunch he would not be reading the Bible. It would be amazing to know what religion God was and I wonder if God would call God's self a Christian because that seems like a contradiction. I think it would be amazing if God left a comment on my page and if God liked what I said, somehow I think it might make me smile.

Friday, September 25, 2009

smiled upon

Ever do yoga by the bay? It was an unbelievable day outside, fresh and alive. I set out to do homework but got distracted by the prospect of doing yoga. Anyway, as I was flopping around with my tail in the air doing a "downward dog" I started thinking about God and sunshine and how maybe God smiles in sunbeams. In my mind whenever someone said God smiled on them, I pictured this little head with a BIG toothy grin. I'm apparently really good at humanizing God and giving God extreme human features. But then I started to think about God and how maybe God smiles in sunbeams. Warmth, and security, and newness of life abound with sunbeams. On the other hand, newness of life also comes with the maybe God smiles in drops too. Maybe God smiles in hugs, and kids laughing, and homeless people finding socks, and people who stop to shake hands with someone who needs touched. Maybe God smiles when people say they love one another, and maybe God smiles when someone finally takes a step away from putting God into a box and instead bends their mind around God not being anything like what they expected.

Lesson learned: Take God out of the box.